Simplify Your Cannabis Application Process:

Templates, Custom Plans, Transparent Pricing, and Support You Can Trust

Several US States require plans and procedures for a Cannabis License Application.

Cannabis License Plans And Procedures

Here is the truth: No one can hire out all of the work it takes to apply for a cannabis license. Certain parts of it can only be done by the applicant personally, and this includes creating and account in the state’s online application portal and familiarizing yourself with what’s in it. In the end, you are the one submitting the information and attesting to truthfulness and accuracy of the contents of what is being submitted.

Our clients are do-it-yourselfers who simply would rather pay someone to provide standard operating procedures and operating plans than take the time to do it themselves. There’s plenty of other work that cannabis applicants need to attend to. If some of the application work can be competently outsourced, that’s usually a better use of resources, especially if the company you outsource it to knows more about cannabis regulations and application processes than you do.

How can you know if you have the right company to support your cannabis application process? Trustworthy companies should be willing to show you what you are getting before you pay for it. Here at CS Consulting, we place the highest priority on satisfying our customers and doing great work. We are responsive and detail oriented. You can see what you are getting before you buy it. You will feel well supported in our hands.


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Understanding the Cannabis Application Process

Each state’s regulatory agency creates a unique application process, and in most cases, the windows of time when applications can be submitted are very limited. In some states, such as New Jersey and California, cannabis applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis. At any given point in time, new cannabis application opportunities are opening up, and more recently, they are not limited only to residents of the state.

Cannabis Application Process
  • The Benefits of Using Cannabis Licensing Support

    Jennifer and Don have become familiar with dozens of state cannabis regulations, such that we have an in-depth understanding of how regulatory agencies operate, communicate and expect.  This can help cannabis applicants avoid common mistakes and ensure that they meet their goals as painlessly as possible.

    In the past, merit based competitive application processes were the norm. But over the past year, the method by which states grant licenses has moved towards a “vetted lottery” system. This means applicants must submit several documents to qualify for a lottery, then a fair lottery process determines the winners of a fixed number of licenses. This system has some big shortcomings. For one, applicants must invest money, time and energy into a long process that is likely to end with no benefit. Applicants in most states have no better than a 1% chance of winning a license. Second, the winners of these lotteries often have no experience, which results in a weak pool of participants once the licenses are granted. 

    Nevertheless, cannabis license lotteries are worth entering, because anyone who wins has a real opportunity to become a millionaire, if the business is in a state with limited numbers of licenses. It would be truly exciting to be among the winners of cannabis licenses in newly legal states, so if you are excited about the opportunity and can invest into making it happen, we are excited to help you get your hat into the ring! 

  • The Importance of Working with Experts in Cannabis Licensing

    CannabisLicensing.Support is a relatively new website, but we have several other websites that have been serving cannabis applicants since 2017. We are known as one of the few nationwide cannabis licensing support companies with extensive experience and an excellent track record. 

    Our experts, Jennifer Martin and Don Duncan, have decades of experience in the cannabis industry and can provide ongoing support and advice to ensure that cannabis applicants and license holders succeed in navigating the complex regulatory process.

    In particular, we provide high quality, state-compliant templates for all of the plans and procedures required for a cannabis license application in each state. This includes Security Plans, Environmental Plans, Inventory Plans, Staffing & Training Plans, Quality Assurance Plans, Waste Management Plans, and more. These templates are designed to meet the specific requirements of your state, ensuring that licensees will stay in compliance as they are getting their businesses off the ground. They follow your state’s definition of each plan, citing the most current version of the regulations wherever applicable.

  • Cannabis Regulations Across the Country

    Cannabis regulations vary widely across the country, but they also have some consistent things in common with each other. All legal cannabis states are operating under a “tax and regulate” model that requires significant security and oversight over the facility and inventory. Product quality is also carefully overseen, to ensure consumer safety. Tight regulation of these business components adds a lot of cost and complexity to cannabis business ownership. In states with unlimited license numbers, extra cost and complexity can be deal breakers, especially considering the ever-present black market competition. In states with limited cannabis license numbers, however, the opportunity to make great money is alive and well, and new states are opening up every year for either medical or adult-use cannabis licensing. Even in the states with onerous regulations and excess competition, regulations are quickly evolving to address industry-participant pain points, hopefully improving the prospects for cannabis business operators more and more over time. Fortunately, resources like us at CannabisLicensing.Support can help applicants get a better handle on the regulations they will need to comply with. By providing state-specific, sophisticated templates for all of the required plans and procedures that will be required throughout the cannabis licensing process, we can help simplify your application process, no matter the state.

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Our Story

Our cultivation expert and our dispensary expert have been in the cannabis industry since the mid 90’s when medical dispensaries first started operating in California. We both lived in Amsterdam in 1995-96 and cut our teeth in the legal industry there, where it was very competitive in comparison to the US.